Latest Film Notices – September 2019

(last updated 9/18/2019)

The production “Deputy” is scheduled to film in your area on Friday, September 20, 2019 at the following locations:

The production “Deputy” is scheduled to film in your area on Wednesday, September 18th at 923 Fruit Ave NW. Please see attached film notice for more information.

The production “Better Call Saul” is scheduled to film in your area on Monday, September 16th at 415 Tijeras Ave NW 160 Juan Tabo Blvd NE. Please see attached film notice for more information.

The production “Keyhole Garden” is scheduled to film in your area on Friday September 6, 2019 & Monday September 9, 2019 at the Albuquerque Convention Center, 401 2nd St. Please see the attached film notice for more information.

For questions or additional details, please contact the CABQ film office or visit their website:
Santana Garcia
City of Albuquerque Film Office

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