Movies & Films
The ABQ Film Office’s twitter account is a great reference when looking for the social impacts the film industry has had upon our state. It allows film lovers, aspiring actors, and those looking to work behind the scenes a chance to engage on a personal level via social media. Casting calls, coming festivals, trailers, classes being offered, and opportunities for employment can all be seen from anyone’s cell phone or computer screen. This allows citizens to really connect with the booming industry around them. While twitter might not be the most credible New Mexico is becoming the “second Hollywood”of sources. This is actually a valuable source. The ABQ Film Office doesn’t have a hidden agenda or reason for self-promoting. They are simply trying to connect people while making them aware of the latest going’s-on in the industry.
(a still photograph from the Albuquerque Rail Yards seen in the AMC hit show Breaking Bad.
With over 360 days of sunshine and a stunning, diverse topography, New Mexico is not new to Hollywood. New Mexico film history spans over 100 years and includes more than 600 productions
- Magnificent Seven (11/17/2015)
- Better Call Saul, Season 2 (11/19/2015)
- Almost Americans “Teacher’s Choice” pilot (11/12/2015)
- The Space Between Us and more filmed in Nov. 2015 (11/06/2015)
16 great shows and movies that feature the state’s inimitable vistas, iconic landmarks, and unparalleled tax incentives.
Please visit the Albuquerque Film Office website is for more information regarding casting, filming etc.