Latest Film Notices – February 2019

(last updated 2/28/2019)
I am very sorry for the late notice but the production “Daybreak” is scheduled to film in your area today at the 5th and Copper garage. Please see the attached film notice for more information.
A Buick Commercial is scheduled to film in your area on Sunday, February 24th at 423 Central Ave. They will be performing traffic control with the assistance of APD.
They will also be filming on Tuesday, February 26th at the parking structure on 2nd Street and Gold. They will not be doing any traffic control or close any roads.
Please see the two attached film notices for more information.
The production Half Life is scheduled to film a DUI Commercial tomorrow, February 22. They will be filming on 1st Street between Silver and Iron Ave. There will be some night filming, please see the attached film notice for more information.
The production “Perpetual Grace” is scheduled to film in your area on Monday, February 18th on 4th Street between Tijeras and Copper. Please see the attached film notice for more information.
For questions or additional details, please contact the CABQ film office or visit their website:
Santana Garcia
City of Albuquerque Film Office