PUBLIC NOTICES: Postcard Mailing Notice
—–Original Message—–
From: Barkhurst, Kathryn Carrie <>
To: City of Albuquerque Planning Department <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 22, 2019 8:33 am
Subject: Postcard mailing notice
Hello Neighborhood Association representative,
You are receiving this email as advanced notice of a postcard mailing to selected residential and/or business property owners within your neighborhood association boundaries. The postcard was mailed out on March 20, 2019.
The City sent the postcards in a mass mailing to property owners whose properties may meet one of the 5 edibility criteria for a Phase 2 IDO Zoning Conversion:
1. Nonconforming Use
2. Voluntary Downzone
3. Floating Lot Line
4. Prior Special Use (SU) or R-D zoning
5. Size Thresholds in NR-BP and PD zone districts
The postcard encourages them to check their zone and to visit the project website for more information about the IDO Zoning Conversion purpose, process, and eligibility criteria.
· IDO Zone Look-up Map: https//
· Phase 2 Zoning Conversion Eligible Properties Map:
· Phase 2 Zoning Conversion webpage:
If your neighborhood association is interested in helping to promote this effort in order to improve the accuracy and transparency of the zoning in your neighborhood, we are happy to provide additional resources to help with that. We can provide handouts or more information about specific areas, as well as attend a meeting or event to help get the word out. If you would like more information about doing this, please email See also this FAQ about how neighborhood associations can get more involved.
If you have questions about this project or process, please contact me or any of the other Long Range Planners (see cc line). If you would like to talk to staff in person about zoning conversions, we take walk-ins on Fridays from 2-5 p.m. You can also schedule an appointment for Friday afternoon by emailing
Carrie Barkhurst
long range senior planner
urban design & development division
o 505.924.3879
o 505.924.3879